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Showing posts with label merge pdf. Show all posts
Showing posts with label merge pdf. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 08, 2021


This small post shares a one line command in Ubuntu terminal to merge to PDFs. While for the regulars,merging the same online would seem to be the quickest and the best but there are times when you wish your PDFs are not compromised by third party websites offering these mergers for why not use a one line command with the help of a tool pdftk.

The command to install the same is 

sudo apt-get install pdftk

and the command thereafter to merger the PDFs like three files 1.pdf, 2.pdf and 3.pdf is as seen below:

 pdftk 1.pdf 2.pdf 3.pdf cat output 4.pdf

where 4.pdf is the merged final output file.

That's third party website reliance for private files.

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