Embark is a framework that allows you to easily develop and deploy Decentralized Applications (DApps).A Decentralized Application is a serverless html5 application that uses one or more decentralized technologies.Embark currently integrates with EVM blockchains (Ethereum),
Decentralized Storages (IPFS), and Decentralized communication platforms
(Whisper and Orbit). Swarm is supported for deployment.This post gives the screen shots for installing a demo contract on EMBARK platform.Embark needs few per-requisites and tools installed including Node,Geth and IPFS.The complete list of history command as executed for getting EMBARK running is produced below :
1 sudo apt-get
2 sudo apt-get
install npm
3 sudo npm -g
install embark
4 sudo npm i nyc
5 sudo apt-get
install software-properties-common
6 sudo npm
7 sudo npm -g
install embark
8 curl -sL
https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_10.x | sudo -E bash -
9 sudo apt
install nodejs
10 curl -o-
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.34.0/install.sh |
11 nvm install
12 nvm install
13 nvm install
14 nvm use
15 nvm install
16 npm install
-g embark
17 embark
18 embark demo
19 cd
20 embark run