1. As recent as a week back Carbanak, an APT-style campaign targeting financial institutions has been claimed to have been discovered by the Russian/UK Cyber Crime company Kaspersky Lab who said that it had been used to steal money from banks.The malware was said to have been introduced to its targets via phishing emails and is said to have stolen over 500 million dollars, or 1BN dollars in other reports, not only from the banks but from more than a thousand private customers.The criminals were able to manipulate their access to the respective banking networks in order to steal the money in a variety of ways. In some instances, ATMs were instructed to dispense cash without having to locally interact with the terminal. Money mules would collect the money and transfer it over the SWIFT network to the criminals’ accounts.The presentation brings out the executive summary of Modus Operandi of the Malware as analysed by Kaspersky.
2. Carbanak is a backdoor used by the attackers to compromise the victim's machine once the exploit, either in the spear phishing email or exploit kit, successfully executes its payload.Carbanak copies itself into %system32%\com with the name svchost.exe with the file attributes: system, hidden and read-only. The original file created by the exploit payload is then deleted.
How to detect CARBANAK
How to detect CARBANAK
One of the best methods for detecting Carbanak is to look for .bin files in the
..\All users\%AppData%\Mozilla\
The malware saves files in this location that will later be sent to the C2 server when an internet connection is detected.BAT script for detecting infections(Source : here) is given as follows :
@echo off
for /f %%a in ('hostname') do set "name=%%a" echo %name%
del /f %name%.log 2> nul
if exist "c:\Documents and settings\All users\application data\
mozilla\*.bin" echo "BIN detected" >> %name%.log
if exist %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\com\svchost.exe echo "COM
detected" >> %name%.log
if exist "c:\ProgramData\mozilla\*.bin" echo "BIN2 detected"
>> %name%.log
if exist %SYSTEMROOT%\paexec* echo "Paexec detected"
>> %name%.log
if exist %SYSTEMROOT%\Syswow64\com\svchost.exe echo "COM64
detected" >> %name%.log
SC QUERY state= all | find "SERVICE_NAME" | findstr "Sys$"
if q%ERRORLEVEL% == q0 SC QUERY state= all | find
"SERVICE_NAME" | findstr "Sys$" >> %name%.log
if not exist %name%.log echo Ok > %name%.log xcopy /y %name%.log
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