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Monday, April 02, 2018

Bitcoin Address Generation : The Internals Behind

ECDSA stands for Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm and uses an elliptic curve and a finite field to "sign" data in such a way that third parties can verify the authenticity of the signature while the signer retains the exclusive ability to create the signature. The Bitcoin addressing system is not a simple deal.In order to maintain that a public key cannot be deciphered easily to any identity and in future if ECDSA is compromised at all, still,the anonymity remains.So suppose you have a ECDSA based private key,the following post content will give a step by step sequence of how the final bitcoin address is derived :
Sequence flow chart is shown below :

Image courtesy :

Your sample private key :


Public key derived is 


Site reference :

Screen shot below : 

 Now perform SHA-256 hashing on the hex of the public key as shown below in the screenshot :

The SHA-256 output received is 


Now we take RIPEMD-160 Hash of the above output and get this as follows as seen vide the screenshot :


Now add Add version byte in front of RIPEMD-160 hash (0x00 for Main Network).so that the above output becomes :


Further to above,Perform SHA-256 hash on the extended RIPEMD-160 result ie

 so we get

and now we perform SHA-256 hash on the result of the this recent SHA-256 hash as seen below in the screenshot...and we get this as 


Now take the first 4 bytes of the second SHA-256 hash and this is the address checksum ie D61967F6

and then add the 4 checksum bytes at the end of extended RIPEMD-160 hash as hashed above and we get the 25-byte binary Bitcoin Address.


Now the last step...we  Convert the result from a byte string into a base58 string using Base58Check encoding at

 Bitcoin Address : 

Useful links : 


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