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Showing posts with label OPENSOURCE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OPENSOURCE. Show all posts

Monday, May 30, 2016

Qubes OS Installation issue with Virtual Box

1.    I have a habit of running most of the Operating systems in Virtual Environment(mostly Virtual Box) that I keep experimenting with.Till date I have had no issues running anyone of them inside Virtual Box including Ubuntu,Fedora ,Mint,BackBox , BackTrack ,Metasploit , Windows , Pentoo ,Knoppix ,Chromium OS, Arch Linux , Open Suse, Red Hat fact the list goes on.But whilst exploring the QUBES OS today...I found the Virtual Box unable to run it...and always getting the following screens :

2.   Qubes is a security-oriented operating system (OS) and an extract from the installation advise is shown below : 

Extract produced below :

Note: We don’t recommend installing Qubes in a virtual machine! It will likely not work. Please don’t send emails asking about it. You can, however, install it on an external USB hard drive and run from it, at least for testing.

3.  But further to my surprise,I found via Google searches that this OS works fine with VMWare workstation player.And after I tried it,I found it works perfectly fine as I show it in my next post.I though couldn't find a resolve or any kind of solution to run it fine on the Virtual Box but then till the time VMware workstation performs the task,I am ok :-)

VMware Workstation Player installation @UBUNTU 16.04 LTS

 1.    VMware Workstation Player is a virtualization software package for x64 computers running Microsoft Windows or Linux, supplied free of charge by VMware, Inc. VMware Player can run existing virtual appliances and create its own virtual machines and uses the same virtualization core as VMware Workstation, a similar program with more features, but not free of charge. VMware Player is available for personal non-commercial use, or for distribution or other use by written agreement. VMware, Inc. does not formally support Player, but there is an active community website for discussing and resolving issues, and a knowledge base.

2.   This post brings out few steps with screenshots and source details of download for the VMWare workstation version for Linux. The bundle package can be downloaded at

3.   The file I downloaded from the above link is 


4.   Few steps to install this file further involves going to the terminal and executing the following commands :

chmod a+x VMware-Player-12.1.1-3770994.x86_64.bundle

the next step

sudo ./VMware-Player-12.1.1-3770994.x86_64.bundle

 this is followed with the following gui shots :

Ready to roll..........

Sunday, October 04, 2015

Extracting Username/Passwords from RAM Dump : Volatility Framework makes it Easy

1.  For those of you who have started reading this post coz of the tempting post title claiming extracting username/passwords from a RAM Dump,I must assure you it is possible easily in few steps using Volatility Framework.In the post ahead I have a RAM dump of a Windows 7 OS and I have been able to extract the user names and passwords of these users in three simple steps using Volatility Framework.Well,I will quickly get to the steps with screenshots :

Setup Required

 - Volatility Framework Installed.
[How to Install at]

- Taking Ram Dump from Windows
[How to take RAM dump at para 3 of]

Here I am using two commands basically ie hivelist and hashdump


Hivelist is used to locate the virtual addresses of registry hives in memory, and the full paths to the corresponding hive on disk.

Command Usage

python --profile=Win7SP0x86 -f /home/cuckoo/Desktop/windows_7_ramdump.raw hivelist

You get a similar output as seen below :

Note Virtual Address for SYSTEM as highlighted

Note Virtual Address for SAM as highlighted


Hashdump is used to extract and decrypt cached domain credentials stored in the registry.

Command Usage

To use hashdump, pass the virtual address of the SYSTEM hive as -y and the virtual address of the SAM hive as -s, as shown below:

python --profile=Win7SP0x86 hashdump -f /home/cuckoo/Desktop/windows_7_ramdump.raw -y 0x8901a360 -s 0x8faff008

Hashdump output seen with user names and NTLM dump
As we see vide above screen shot we have been able to extract names of users as stalin,VOLA and TILITY with hash of passwords against their names.Now we will decrypt these hashes.


Now comes decrypting this hash as we have got vide hashdump above.Hashes can now be cracked using John the Ripper, rainbow tables, etc.Now no need to install these crackers separately.Simply google for online decryptos and you will get the password too.I used this site at

Screen shots below:

Password extracted is test_1234

Password extracted is test_123

Password extracted is test
So in all two terminal commands running volatility hivelist and hashdump followed by decrypting the hash online will give you the usernames and passwords from the RAM dump.Any queries and questions or advises are most welcome.Thanks

Monday, September 28, 2015

Burp Suite : Integrated platform for Web Application Security

1.   Burp Suite is an excellent easy-to-use integrated platform for web application security that includes multiple tools seamlessly integrated to test every component and aspect of modern web applications. Whether you need to verify the robustness of your authentication mechanism, the predictability of your session tokens, or the input validation checkpoints present in your application, Burp is often compared to Swiss-army knife for security practitioners since it offers a horde of features . Not only does it allow in-depth manual assessments, but it also combines automated techniques to enumerate and analyze web application resources.Burp has been developed by PortSwigger Ltd. and is available in two editions:

- Burp Free
- Burp Professional

In-fact,the free version is perfect to start for beginners as it contains all the basic tools to find at least few first vulnerabilities.In its simplest way to explain, Burp is a local web proxy that allows to intercept, inspect, and modify HTTP/S requests and responses between the user's browser and the target website. While the user navigates through the web application, the tool acquires details on all visited pages, scripts,parameters, and other components. The traffic between the browser and the server can be eventually visualized, analyzed, modified, and repeated multiple times. The different tools included in Burp Suite can be easily distinguished by the upper tabs:

- Proxy: It allows to intercept and modify all web traffic.
- Target: This tool allows to aggregate all web application resources, thus guiding the user throughout the security test.
- Scanner: A complete web application security scanner, available in the Professional version only.
- Intruder: Burp Intruder allows to customize and automate web requests. 
- Spider: Automatic crawler that can be used to discover new pages and parameters.
- Sequencer: Used for verifying the randomness and predictability of security tokens, cookies, and more.
- Decoder: It allows to encode and decode data using multiple encoding schemes 
- Comparer: A visual diff tool that can be used to detect changes between web pages.
- Repeater: A simple yet powerful tool that can be used to manually modify and re-issue web requests.

How to go about Installation ?

- A minimum disk space of at least 200 MB is required.
- Required memory is at least 1 GB
- Burp Suite works on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux
- Software components: An updated Oracle Java Runtime Environment is required to run Burp Suite. 

Downloading Burp Suite from ?

In the download folder where typically this file gets downloaded,create a burpsuite folder and mov this file to this folder for executing.

Launching Burp Suite in Linux

At the terminal type the following inside the pwd as the new burpsuite folder u created above :

java -Xmx2g -jar burpsuite_v1.4.01.jar

Volatility Framework Command : Using dlllist - dlldump to extricate DLLfile details

 This post will share an example to run the two volatility terminal commands including dllllist and dlldump  to display a process's loaded DLLs.

Before I proceed ahead,I would assume that you have installed volatility in your Linux system(in my case I am using UBUNTU, Installation explained at my earlier post at and you have a RAM dump of the OS u desire to analyse.In my case here I have taken the RAM dump of a Windows 7 OS as explained here at


dlllist is used to display a process's loaded DLLs.DLLs are automatically added to this list when a process calls LoadLibrary (or some derivative such as LdrLoadDll). --profile=Win7SP0x86 -f windows7_image.raw dlllist
To display the DLLs for a specific process instead of all processes, there is option to use the switch -p or --pid filter as shown below: --profile=Win7SP0x86 -f windows7_image.raw dlllist --pid=1892

To display the DLLs for a process that is hidden or unlinked by a rootkit, first use the psscan to get the physical offset of the EPROCESS object and then: --profile=Win7SP0x86 -f windows7_image.raw dlllist --offset=0x04a291a8
(Click on the image to ENLARGE)


dlldump command is used to extract a DLL from a process's memory space and dump it to disk for analysis.The syntax is nearly the same as what has been seen earlier with any command.This plugin provisions the following :

- Dump all DLLs from a hidden/unlinked process (with --offset=OFFSET)
- Dump all DLLs from a specific process (with --pid=PID)
- Dump all DLLs from all processes
- Dump a PE from anywhere in process memory (with --base=BASEADDR), this option is useful for extracting hidden DLLs

To specify an output directory, use --dump-dir=DIR or -d DIR. --profile=Win7SP0x86 -f windows7_image.raw dlldump --dump-dir output

where output is the name of directory where u get the dll dump

the output directory will be seen as seen below :

More at :

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Volatility-Advanced Memory Forensics Framework : Installation@Ubuntu

1.   The Volatility Framework is a completely open collection of tools, implemented in Python for the extraction of digital artifacts from volatile memory (RAM) samples. Volatility is a memory forensics framework, to analyse ram memory dumps for Windows, Linux, and Mac. In order to analyse a operating system’s RAM memory in Volatility, you need to build the corresponding operating system’s profile.The extraction techniques are performed completely independent of the system being investigated but offer unprecedented visibility into the runtime state of the system. The framework is intended to introduce people to the techniques and complexities associated with extracting digital artifacts from volatile memory samples and provide a platform for further work into this exciting area of research.Vide this post, I am sharing how to install volatility in Ubuntu 12.04 in a step wise manner.The post includes screen-shots and ready to shoot terminal commands for installing other dependent libraries.

Firstly : Installing Dependencies

sudo apt-get install subversion pcregrep libpcre++-dev python-dev -y

Secondly : Installing PyCrypto

First download PyCRypto from

Go to ~/..../Downloads/

tar -zxvf pycrypto-2.6.1.tar.gz

cd pycrypto-2.6.1

python build

sudo python build install

Thirdly: Installing Distrom
Distrom ,a disassemble library for x86/AMD64 can be downloaded from

Goto downloads where the file is likely downloaded :


cd distorm3/

python build

python build install

Fourthly: Installing Yara 

Volatility needs another important dependency known as Yara,that can be installed as follows:


tar -zxvf yara-1.4.tar.gz

cd yara-1.4/

sudo ./configure

sudo make

sudo make install

Fifthly : Installing Yara-Python

Download the tar.gz from

tar -zxvf yara-python-1.4a.tar.gz

cd yara-python-1.4a/

python build

python build install

sudo echo “/usr/local/lib” >> /etc/

sudo ldconfig
Now through with the installation of dependencies,we go ahead to install Volatility after we download the tar ball from

~/Desktop/F0r3ns1c5/Memory_Forensics/New/volatility-2.3.1$ python build

~/Desktop/F0r3ns1c5/Memory_Forensics/New/volatility-2.3.1$ python build install

The installation is complete now and you should get a similar screen as seen below on running the command python -h

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Cuckoo SandBox:Automatic Malware Analysis Tool

1.   Cuckoo Sandbox is a malware analysis system tool which allows you to throw any suspicious file at it and in a matter of seconds it will provide you back some detailed results outlining what such file did when executed inside an isolated environment.It is written 100% in Python, the architecture is very interesting and it is based on a virtualisation engine like Virtual box to maintain a “fresh” pc always at hand to run the malware called the client, inside this client it is run as an agent that is also written 100% in Python to monitor the different calls that the malware do to the dll’s, host that try to connect, etc.The connection between the Server and the client is done through an isolated network set up by virtual box, it is configured that way in order to avoid the propagation of the malware and to communicate effectively between the client and the server to send the analysis report, infected binaries, etc.This post ahead brings you a step by step screenshot to download and configure this excellent tool,will be good for beginners in cyber security/penetration testing to play with and see results immediately.Though from the looks of this post below,the procedure looks cumbersome and complex,but I have made attempts for a naive to understand and follow up screenshot wise,any queries still will be most welcome :


2.   Cuckoo can produce the following types of results:

- Files being created, deleted, and downloaded by the malware during its execution
- Network traffic trace in PCAP format(as we get with wireshark and ethreal)
- Traces of win32 API calls spawned by the malware
- Memory dumps of the malware processes
- Screenshots of the Windows desktop as it happens during execution of the malware
- Full memory dumps of the machines


3.   The following kinds of files can be analysed and put for check in cuckoo :

- DLL files
- Windows executables ie .exe
- Microsoft Office docs
- URLs
- Typical PDF documents
- PHP scripts
- Anything actually!!!

More about Cuckoo at the video below and


4.   Be ready with the following :

-  Linux OS as parent OS
- Virtual Box installed with Windows 7/Xp
- Adequate RAM around 4 GB in all with the parent machine.
- i3 processor and above will help u lessen wait and make u patient

5.   Python comes preinstalled with the Ubuntu Desktop,but we need some extra python libraries  as follows :

MAEC Python bindings

Step 1

Firstly we will install all the above mentioned libraries vide a single command.You need to slect the below text and paste as it is in the terminal

    | sudo apt-get install mongodb python-sqlalchemy python-bson python-dpkt python-jinja2 python-magic python-pymongo python-gridfs python-libvirt python-bottle python-pefile python-chardet tcpdump -y

Besides above,there are other python libraries that need PIP for installation.Pip is an alternative to Easy Install for installing Python packages and is largely recommended when used in virtual environments.

|   sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev
|   sudo pip install django cybox 
|   sudo pip install MAEC

another important library tcpdump is required to be configured to allow Cuckoo to make use of it without requiring root.

|  sudo setcap cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin=eip /usr/sbin/tcpdump 

Two additional software Yara and Pydeep too need to be installed and the cuckoo documentation states these need to be installed separately, however Yara is provided in the Ubuntu universe repository. but before installing Pydeep , we need to install some dependencies with the following command line to install the following :


sudo apt-get install build-essential git libpcre3 libpcre3-dev libpcre++-dev

Cuckoo requires Yara 1.7 or higher and to install yara,run the following command

sudo apt-get install yara -y

Pydeep depends on ssdeep 2.8+ and ssdeep needs to be compiled from source and likewise for Pydeep. Before doing so, a few packages are needed. The following commands will work :

|   sudo apt-get install build-essential git python-dev -y
|   wget -O ssdeep.tar.gz

|   tar -xf ssdeep.tar.gz
|   cd ssdeep-2.12
|   ./configure
|   make
|   sudo make install
|   ssdeep -V

|   2.12(output for above)

We also need to install “git’:

sudo apt-get install git

Now cd to the directory Download, clone the pydeep project and install manually:

git clone

cd pydeep

sudo python install

Install Yara

sudo apt-get install libtool automake

Then download yara form the git repository and install it:

cd && cd Downloads


tar -xvzf 2.1.0.tar.gz

cd yara-2.1.0

chmod a+x


sudo make install

Now we need to install yara-python with the following commands:

cd yara-python

sudo python install

Volatility supports memory dumps from all major 32- and 64-bit Windows versions and service packs including XP, 2003 Server, Vista, Server 2008, Server 2008 R2, Seven, 8, 8.1, Server 2012, and 2012 R2 but in recent past now on supports Linux memory dumps in raw or LiME format and include 35+ plugins for analyzing 32- and 64-bit Linux kernels from 2.6.11 - 3.16 and distributions such as Debian, Ubuntu, OpenSuSE, Fedora, CentOS, and Mandrake.VOLATILITY is to be installed next,we need the following commands:

cd && cd Download

wget wget

Once u download this, extract it and install it:


cd volatility-2.3.1

sudo python install

Installation time now for  Cuckoo

First we need to clone the git directory wherever we want to install Cuckoo, and we install it in /opt directory with the following commands:

cd /opt

sudo git clone

sudo chown -R user:usergroup cuckoo

Where user:usergroup is the user used to login to the ubuntu machine and the group is the group to which user belong

Now we shift our attention to configuring networks for Virtual Box and parent machine.So I assume you have installed Windows 7 in virtual box with Adobe,Microsoft Office and a Mozilla/Chrome browser.

 Configure as shown next below :

Vide the above,the two IP addresses I have configured to ping are :

Parent/Host OS :
Virtual Windows Machine :

Just ping from each IP to other,if they ping all is set now to work ahead.

and one important step that remains is to configure the conf files in the cuckoo configuration,Few important configuration files that we effect to work with are mentioned below with brief functionality:

cuckoo.conf : This configuration file contains information about the general behavior and analysis options in Cuckoo Sandbox.
machinemanager.conf : This file holds the information about your virtual
machine configuration: Depends on the name of virtualization that we used.
processing.conf : This file is used for enabling/configuring the processing of modules.
reporting.conf : This file contains information about reporting methodologies.

There are a few things required to be changed in the configuration files as follows:
[I used gedit to edit and make amends to these conf files]



memory_dump = on


ip = [ip address of the vboxnet0 interface, to check it issue on terminal ifconfig vboxnet0, usually]



label = [Name of the Windows guest virtual machine as configured on VirtualBox]

ip = [ip address configured i the windows guest]

snapshot = [the name of the snapshot taken with virtual box]



delete_memdump = yes



enabled = yes


enabled = yes

key = [key of the virus total API, could be obtained registering in



enabled = yes


enabled = yes

Now we can run Cuckoo after all the hardwork :

run the command as shown below  and you should get the screen as below :

sudo python /opt/cuckoo/

Now we need to do a submission of a file vide a script as shown below :

python /opt/cuckoo/utils/ —package PACKAGE PATH_TO_FILE

or as I type for my screen shot command :

python /opt/cuckoo/utils/ /home/cuckoo/Desktop/cuccccck/shared/malware.pdf

or there is a way for a web interface too :

cd /opt/cuckoo/utils and then run ./ as shown below :

Now you r ready to analyse with the Cuckoo post will focus on analyzing the files with Cuckoo...........
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