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Friday, March 30, 2018

Compiling Bitcoin Core Source Code : Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

1.   Bitcoin Core is the reference implementation of bitcoin and anyone ON with any projects around bitcoin would need to compile the bitcoin source code to create the bitcoind for his/her own node. Ubuntu is usually the operating system recommended to run Bitcoin Core.This post will build upon with screenshots as done and terminal commands as executed to compile the same vide GIT.

2.  The machine I have used here is a Ubuntu 64 bit running on a virtual box platform with the following details as seen in the screenshot :

Now on I will just share the terminal commands as i executed in the terminal :

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade

sudo apt-get install git

Search for Bitcoin github and click the first link as seen below :

Goto the link as seen below at

sudo git clone

sudo apt-get install build-essential libtool autotools-dev automake pkg-config libssl-dev libevent-dev bsdmainutils python3

sudo apt-get install libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-chrono-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev

sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev

sudo apt-get install software-properties-common

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev

sudo apt-get install libminiupnpc-dev

sudo apt-get install libzmq3-dev

sudo apt-get install libqt5gui5 libqt5core5a libqt5dbus5 qttools5-dev qttools5-dev-tools libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler

sudo apt-get install libqrencode-dev

sudo ./

sudo ./configure --disable-wallet #

sudo make

and the last command

sudo make install

....and you r ready to go.....

Saturday, March 24, 2018

The MIST Browser : Installation UBUNTU 16.04 LTS

Mist Browser (formerly Ethereum Dapp Browser) is the end-user interface for Ethereum. It's the tool of choice for browsing and using Dapps and is specifically designed for non-technical users.The following post shows a series of screen shots to install the same on UBUNTU 16.04 LTS.Zoom in the screen shots to see the details as desired please. Link at

Monday, March 19, 2018


The world of Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies is undeniably amazing and has infinity to explore at hands.Recently I took on a 4 hour session at the prestigious Central Bureau of Investigations,CBI Academy ,Ghaziabad, vide Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation Programme organised by Ministry of External Affairs,to cover right from scratch to overview of mechanics and architecture of how this world works.Sharing here the presentation for info and awareness of anyone who is interested to take a dip in this domain and related cyber crime activities.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Symposium on Legal Regulation of Bitcoin, Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies

On 22nd Feb, participated in Symposium on Legal Regulation of Bitcoin, Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies held at G D Goenka University,Sohna Road.I was privileged to meet Joerg Molt from the Satoshi School.Sharing my presentation here for info of readers.

and few pics of event below

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