1. Ever wondered about privacy policy of search engines specifically about Google and Bing...i came to know of this recently while i read at http://www.bing.com/community/blogs/search/archive/2010/01/19/updates-to-bing-privacy.aspx on the subject.
2. In case of Bing,the amount of time IP addresses are stored from searchers is 18 months which the claim now to reduce to 6 months. Generally, when Bing receives search data ,the following things undergo action
First, steps to separate the account information (such as email or phone number) from other information (what the query was, for example).
Secondly , after 18 months another additional step of deleting the IP address and any other cross session IDs associated with the query.
3. Under the new policy, all the steps will continue as were applied previously except that now IP address will be completely removed at 6 months, instead of 18 months. Rival Google had cut retention time to 9 months from 18 in August 2008.Notwithstanding, Microsoft executives arrogates their initiative go much further than Google , because Microsoft intends deleting all parts of the IP (Internet Protocol) address after six months, while Google still retains part of the address after its self-imposed nine-month cut-off point.
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