1. I have been using and playing with BT5 R3 for quiet some time now...and having used and practised about 50% of them...I have decided to start sharing and how to use them on my blog for the firstimers..with screen shots and screen cast when required....although I have shown few tools and exploits of BT5 earlier .... now I wish to just make it all systematic....and in the first attempt here I am giving out a step by step screen shot of how to use the tool DNSDICT6...
2. The route to dnsdict6 is show in the screen shot below :
Backtrack - Information Gathering - Network Analysis - DNS Analysis - dnsdict6
3. As can be made out from the Backtrack menu drop down...since it is listed in the information gathering sub menu..it is a Information Gathering tool. This tool is used to find all the sub-domains of a website or web server. The most advanced use of DSNDICT6 is to enumerate all IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and extract the dumps like sub-domains, IP information. This tool is quite a powerful tool because it also extracts those sub domains which are restricted or invisible for users.With respect to the usage and screens...they are seen below :
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(Click on the image to Enlarge) |
Once you click this dnsdict6...u get the following screen :
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(Click on the image to Enlarge) |
Before we execute the command,let us see the command syntax & switches available :
The switches details are seen below :
- d is used to display information on Name Servers and MX Records
- 4 is used to dump IPv4 addresses.
Four types of dictionary are inbuilt in this tool as follows :
- s (mall=50),
- m (edium=796) (DEFAULT)
- l (arge=1416), and
- x (treme=3211).
- t is used to specify no. of threads.
- t is used to specify no. of threads.
MX record ie mail exchanger record is a type of resource record in the
Domain Name System that specifies a mail server responsible for
accepting email messages on behalf of a recipient's domain, and a
preference value used to prioritize mail delivery if multiple mail
servers are available. The set of MX records of a domain name specifies
how email should be routed with the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
So for example we run this command on http://certifiedhacker.com/
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(Click on the image to Enlarge) |
The command reads :
dnsdict6 -d46 -s -t 10 certifiedhacker.com
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(Click on the image to Enlarge) |
In the command above I have used the small dictionary with 10 threads to minimize the running time...so actually this is a limited result...would have been slightly different had the same been run with xtreme dict and large number of threads...
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