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Saturday, February 02, 2019

Test Ether Faucet : "Hello world" kind SMART CONTRACT

1.       Smart Contracts are self-executing contractual states, stored on the blockchain, which nobody controls and therefore everyone can trust.Continuing ahead with the earlier post wherein we created few test ethers from the ropsten test network and then transferred few back to create some transactions.In this post we move further and create a small smart contract.

First move to

Once you connect the same with your account,your will find an open code by default.Since just the beginning,we simply delete and create a fresh new page to insert the contract code in as seen below :

 Blank page as seen below :

Find the code of the file faucet.sol

 copy the code...and save the file as faucet.sol
 code pasted

 Now the time to RUN
 Do a small change...amend the solidity program version like I have done to 5.1 and then also it asks to amend public to external
 Followed by submit
 Now time to deploy the same....


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