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Showing posts with label Know Your Backtrack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Know Your Backtrack. Show all posts

Saturday, September 28, 2013


1.    I have been using and playing with BT5 R3 for quiet some time now...and having used and practised about 50% of them...I have decided to start sharing and how to use them on my blog for the firstimers..with screen shots and screen cast when required....although I have shown few tools and exploits of BT5 earlier .... now I wish to just make it all systematic....and in the first attempt here I am giving out a step by step screen shot of how to use the tool DNSDICT6...

2. The route to dnsdict6 is show in the screen shot below :

Backtrack - Information Gathering - Network Analysis - DNS Analysis - dnsdict6

3.  As can be made out from the Backtrack menu drop down...since it is listed in the information gathering sub is a Information Gathering tool. This tool is used to find all the sub-domains of a website or web server. The most advanced use of DSNDICT6 is to enumerate all IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and extract the dumps like sub-domains, IP information. This tool is quite a powerful tool because it also extracts those sub domains which are restricted or invisible for users.With respect to the usage and screens...they are seen below :

(Click on the image to Enlarge)
Once you click this dnsdict6...u get the following screen :
(Click on the image to Enlarge)
Before we execute the command,let us see the command syntax & switches available :

The switches details are seen below :

    - d is used to display information on Name Servers and MX Records
    - 4 is used to dump IPv4 addresses.

Four types of dictionary are inbuilt in this tool as follows :

     - s    (mall=50), 
     - m   (edium=796) (DEFAULT) 
     - l     (arge=1416), and
     - x    (treme=3211).
     - t      is used to specify no. of threads.

MX record ie mail exchanger record is a type of resource record in the Domain Name System that specifies a mail server responsible for accepting email messages on behalf of a recipient's domain, and a preference value used to prioritize mail delivery if multiple mail servers are available. The set of MX records of a domain name specifies how email should be routed with the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).

So for example we run this command on

(Click on the image to Enlarge)

The command reads :

dnsdict6 -d46 -s -t 10

(Click on the image to Enlarge)
In the command above I have used the small dictionary with 10 threads to minimize the running actually this is a limited result...would have been slightly different had the same been run with xtreme dict and large number of threads...
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