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Showing posts with label OPENSOURCE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OPENSOURCE. Show all posts

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Mayan EDMS : Opensource Document Management System : Installation UBUNTU

1.   Mayan EDMS is a web-based free/libre document management system for managing documents within an organization and all functionality is available in its free public version.Mayan EDMS is an electronic vault for your documents. Mayan EDMS has advanced search and categorization capabilities that helps reduce the time to find the information anyone needs. It is free open source and integrates with existing equipment, that means low to no initial investment, and even lower total cost of ownership, reducing operational costs has never been this easy.

2.     This post gives a screenshot reference for installation on a Ubuntu machine.The installation is simple and self explanatory.The list of commands involved too is mentioned below:


Sunday, August 13, 2017

Whonix : Debian GNU/Linux based Security-focused Linux distribution

1.     Even if one is not doing anything wrong, he is being watched and recorded in real time as Edward Snowden revealed few years back. Most Internet users value online anonymity, with majority saying they have taken steps to remove or mask their digital footprints, and  reporting that they have taken steps to avoid being observed by specific people, organizations, or governments.Whonix is a Debian GNU/Linux based security-focused Linux distribution which aims to provide privacy, security and anonymity on the internet. The operating system consists of two virtual machines, a "Workstation" and a Tor "Gateway", running Debian GNU/Linux. All communications are forced through the Tor network.This post gives you screen-shots of installation and execution of the virtual appliances involved.

2.    The Gateway VM is responsible for running Tor, and has two virtual network interfaces. One of these is connected to the outside Internet via NAT on the VM host, and is used to communicate with Tor relays. The other is connected to a virtual LAN that runs entirely inside the host.

3.    The Workstation VM runs user applications and is connected only to the internal virtual LAN, and can directly communicate only with the Gateway, which forces all traffic coming from the Workstation to pass through the Tor network. The Workstation VM can "see" only IP addresses on the Internal LAN, which are the same in every Whonix installation.

4.  Download the two virtual machines ie the Gateway and the workstation from

5.   Once you download the two machines as above from the link in reference,the following screen-shots will assist you in installation of the same.The two downloaded files are seen below : 
Instead of typically creating a virtual machine and then mounting a vdi,in this case more simply we have to just import the .ova appliance,rest is in auto mode.
Agree to the T&C
Will take few minutes loading
Agree again
Import appliance of the workstation
So u have two machines in the virtualbox console as seen in the bottom two listing below :
Just click both with the start button...and the machine start

Updated TOR download

Here we see the IP address relating to Budapest Hungary....and thats surely not the user....:-)

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Broadcom Wireless Drivers Installation : Ubuntu[SOLVED]

While one installs a fresh Ubuntu OS in any machine,typically he finds an initial deterrent as the Wifi adapter is not found  installed.This post gives a step by step direction on how and what to do,to get the Wifi working....and this happens since the same is not installed by default.

Since the PCI.ID initials for any Wifi broadcom adapter is prefixed 14e4,thus first we need to find the exact PCI.ID

lspci -nn -d 14e4:
Once you get the PCI.ID,you just need to ref the following table and find the corresponding driver to be installed.In our case is 14e4:4365 rev 01,so we choos the corresponding bcmwl-kernel-source
PCI.ID              14.04 LTS                        16.04+
14e4:0576           Special Case #1                   UNKNOWN      
14e4:4301           firmware-b43-installer            firmware-b43-installer      
14e4:4306           firmware-b43-installer            firmware-b43-installer      
14e4:4306 rev 02    firmware-b43-installer            firmware-b43-installer      
14e4:4306 rev 03    firmware-b43-installer            firmware-b43-installer      
14e4:4307           firmware-b43-installer            firmware-b43-installer      
14e4:4311           firmware-b43-installer            firmware-b43-installer      
14e4:4311 rev 01    firmware-b43-installer            firmware-b43-installer      
14e4:4312           firmware-b43-installer            firmware-b43-installer      
14e4:4313           firmware-b43-installer            firmware-b43-installer               
14e4:4315           firmware-b43-installer            firmware-b43-installer      
14e4:4315 rev 01    firmware-b43-installer            firmware-b43-installer
14e4:4318           firmware-b43-installer            firmware-b43-installer                
14e4:4318 rev 02    firmware-b43-installer            firmware-b43-installer                
14e4:4319           firmware-b43-installer            firmware-b43-installer               
14e4:4320 rev 02    firmware-b43-installer            firmware-b43-installer               
14e4:4320 rev 03    firmware-b43-installer            firmware-b43-installer            
14e4:4321           firmware-b43-installer            firmware-b43-installer  
14e4:4324           firmware-b43-installer            firmware-b43-installer        
14e4:4325           firmware-b43-installer            firmware-b43-installer      
14e4:4328           firmware-b43-installer            firmware-b43-installer         
14e4:4329           bcmwl-kernel-source               bcmwl-kernel-source        
14e4:432a           bcmwl-kernel-source               bcmwl-kernel-source        
14e4:432b           bcmwl-kernel-source               bcmwl-kernel-source        
14e4:432c           bcmwl-kernel-source               bcmwl-kernel-source        
14e4:432d           bcmwl-kernel-source               bcmwl-kernel-source       
14e4:4331           firmware-b43-installer            firmware-b43-installer          
14e4:4335           firmware-b43-installer            firmware-b43-installer      
14e4:4350           firmware-b43-installer            firmware-b43-installer  
14e4:4353           Special Case #1                   UNKNOWN        
14e4:4353 rev 01    Special Case #1                   UNKNOWN                 
14e4:4357           Special Case #1                   UNKNOWN        
14e4:4358           bcmwl-kernel-source               bcmwl-kernel-source
14e4:4359           bcmwl-kernel-source               bcmwl-kernel-source       
14e4:4360           bcmwl-kernel-source               bcmwl-kernel-source    
14e4:4365           bcmwl-kernel-source               bcmwl-kernel-source      
14e4:4365 rev 01    bcmwl-kernel-source               bcmwl-kernel-source      
14e4:43a0           bcmwl-kernel-source               bcmwl-kernel-source
14e4:43ae rev 02    UNKNOWN                           UNKNOWN     
14e4:43b1           bcmwl-kernel-source               bcmwl-kernel-source        
14e4:43b1 rev 03    bcmwl-kernel-source               bcmwl-kernel-source              
14e4:4727           bcmwl-kernel-source               bcmwl-kernel-source        
14e4:4727 rev 01    bcmwl-kernel-source               bcmwl-kernel-source        
14e4:a962           firmware-b43-installer            firmware-b43-installer
Thats all folks...ready to go

Sunday, September 04, 2016

Nextcloud 10 installation @ Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

1.   Nextcloud is open source file sync and share software for everyone from individuals operating the free Nextcloud Server in the privacy of their own home, to large enterprises and service providers supported by the Nextcloud Enterprise Subscription. Nextcloud provides a safe, secure, and compliant file synchronization and sharing solution on servers that you control.

2.   This post shares screen shots of my installation of the same in UBUNTU 16.04 LTS.The screen-shots are self explanatory along with the command sets available for direct lift if one is interested.

Reference help of this post :
Video post of this at

Here's my ip address configuration as set on the virtual machine Ubuntu.
Terminal commands :

> apt-get update
 > apt-get install lamp-server^

> apt-get install libapache2-mod-php7.0 php7.0-mbstring php7.0-curl php7.0-zip php7.0-gd php7.0-mysql php7.0-mcrypt
> apt-get install php-xml
Goto the nextcloud site at and download the zip file for nextcloud installation.This one is version 10

Downloading here as seen completing :
Goto the Downloads folder and unzip it
> unzip

> mv nextcloud /var/www/html
> chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/nextcloud

Now we need to Configure MariaDB for this vide these commands as mentioned :
> mysql_secure_installation
Type Yes for all except may be root password which u might want to retain.

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON nextcloud.* TO 'nextcloud'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'anupam';

> Gedit /etc/mysql/my.cnf

Add the following three lines at the end:
log-bin = /var/log/mysql/mariadb-bin
log-bin-index = /var/log/mysql/mariadb-bin.index
binlog_format = mixed


Now we need to Configure Apache Web Server
> sudo a2enmod rewrite
> touch /etc/apache2/sites-available/nextcloud.conf
> ln -s /etc/apache2/sites-available/nextcloud.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/nextcloud.conf
> nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/nextcloud.conf

Add the following:

ServerAdmin admin@ubuntu
DocumentRoot "/var/www/html/nextcloud/"
ServerName youripaddress
ServerAlias ubuntu

Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
allow from all

ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/ common

here you ready to go....just type the ipaddress in the web browser...

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