Social Icons

Thursday, August 08, 2013

Creating ISO images in Linux : FEDORA 19

1.  Few useful commands to create ISO images in linux :

First install mkisofs from root by typing :

yum install mkisofs

In most of the recent linux distros...this would invariably be pre-installed...the above command will work for yum installations

If u require to create an iso file from a directory containing other files and sub-directories via the terminal, you can use the following command:

mkisofs -o image.iso -R /path/to/folder/

An example is shown below : here YOURFILE is the name of the ISO image that will be created and then is the route where the data is stored.

mkisofs -o YOURFILE.iso -R /run/media/kurta/CEH\ Tools\ Vol-1/

Sunday, August 04, 2013

Making GOOGLE search safe for Kids : Two steps

1.    Invariably in most of the homes barring few...the desktop or the laptop is shared by all...including your enthu and school going kid.Today Google has become part of our it office or home or school is always there.But at times it may become embarrassing when some inappropriate content is shown in presence of your kid while searching for something that your search may not be connected with at all.At these times there are basically two steps to more safe surfing.Google has given this in settings, but by default they are off.Though Google does not promise that after configuring in the way presented below,the content flashed is guaranteed to be safe but will be much filtered and safer...

First Google search configure :


and check the option to Turn on SafeSearch to filter sexually explicit content from your search results as shown in the screen shot below :


Second step is to configure your youtube settings.

and move to the bottom of the screen and check the option to Turn on safety mode to hide videos that may contain inappropriate content flagged by users and other signals.


Zoomed portion shown below :


A video screen cast of both the settings shown below vide youtube :


Fedora Security Labs

1.   The Fedora Security Lab provides a safe test environment to work on security auditing, forensics, system rescue and teaching security testing methodologies in universities and other organizations.

2.    The spin is maintained by a community of security testers and developers. It comes with the clean and fast LXDE Desktop Environment and a customized menu that provides all the instruments needed to follow a proper test path for security testing or to rescue a broken system. The Live image has been crafted to make it possible to install software while running, and if you are running it from a USB stick created with LiveUSB Creator using the overlay feature, you can install and update software and save your test results permanently.

3.    Download the .iso file from

Here in the video below,basic running of the lab along with inside features available inside are shown...

Your ANDROID APPLICATIONS : Mining your profile

1.    It is common for us to hear a company promoting its phone or tablet showcasing that lakhs of android applications are available for free...and the poor(???) customer generally falls for he buys the device and immediately starts exploiting the world of millions of applications on the net and the Google play off course Google just does not upload a application for download once the up loader does his part of the formalities and checks under its set of QRs if the application is ok from the point of being malicious in nature or not but that does not always many times android applications even in the Google play-store have been found to be lets keep suspected apart...does the typical user even checks the terms and conditions of any application before installing?...the blind rule is JUST ACCEPT IT!!!and this goes against the user...this allows invasion to privacy...why should a company ask to access your phone contacts..your location..your system settings...your configuration settings before it allows to install it application on your device...BUT NO ONE THINKS ABOUT THIS!!!!

Back in February of this year, Google announced it was hardening its stance on Android security, unveiling an app-scanner (codenamed Bouncer) to weed out malware uploaded to Android Market (now Google Play) through automatic scanning. Since then, Google has taken more steps to protect Android users: it acquired VirusTotal back in September and in Android 4.2 Jelly Bean introduced an optional app verification feature that enables users to identify dangerous and potentially-dangerous apps on their devices, even if they downloaded them from the Web or got them from an app store other than Google Play.
How have Google’s efforts to combat Android malware been working out? Perhaps not so well. Security researchers were quickly able to analyze how Bouncer operated and find easy ways to circumvent Google Play’s automated scanning — techniques publicly available now to malware authors if they hadn’t managed to think of them on their own. Further, Xuxian Jiang of North Carolina State University has published an assessment of Jelly Bean’s app verification capability. The results? Google’s app verification service identified just over 15 percent of malware samples thrown at it from the Android Malware Genome Project

2.     Mobile malware is lately becoming a organised crime with complex sophistication in terms of tracking back....and this makes the attack surface for the hacker and the black hats more big and the user more vulnerable at the same time....The most common victim is the one who looks for free applications in various heads of and not to forget the games section which is a big hit among-st all...the users love the games for which he has to pay nothing and the attacker gets a lot of attack surface to play around...and then the DO IT YOUR SELF TOOLS again add to the attack surface.


- Keep your android updated: Now in this case most of the devices till 4.2.1 may not support upgrades..but then you have to keep your fingers crossed!!!

- Refrain from android applications other then google play store.STill you have to be careful...wherever possible read the Terms and Conditions before installing

-  Avoid public open wifi connections

-  Limit your greed to free applications.You may google about the application on google before you install it on your device.

Saturday, August 03, 2013

Fedora 19 USB automount doesn't work : SOLVED

Having installed Fedora 19 Schrodinger's Cat recently, a problem came up that the USB that used to get auto detected in earlier versions stopped working......and could not be seen anywhere in the file manager...and the disk showed the following screen which has no USB disk.


But the good thing is that on doing LSUSB at the terminal it was being shown as follows :

Bus 001 Device 002: ID 4033:0042 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub
Bus 002 Device 002: ID 4051:0030 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 3d4b:0008 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1f6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0f6d:081b Logitech, Inc. Webcam C310
Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0c61:4d0f Primax Electronics, Ltd HP Optical Mouse
Bus 002 Device 005: ID 03f0:5201 Sandisk 

so mounted it the terminal way..

make a directory in home by the name of usb

mkdir usb


at the terminal type lsblk that will give you where to mount.In my case it is sdc1. My output comes as follows :

sda               8:0    0 931.5G  0 disk 
├─sda1            8:1    0 488.3G  0 part 
└─sda2            8:2    0 443.2G  0 part 
sdb               8:16   0 465.8G  0 disk 
├─sdb1            8:17   0   100M  0 part 
├─sdb2            8:18   0   500M  0 part /boot
└─sdb3            8:19   0 465.2G  0 part 
  ├─fedora-swap 253:0    0   5.8G  0 lvm  [SWAP]
  ├─fedora-root 253:1    0    50G  0 lvm  /
  └─fedora-home 253:2    0 409.4G  0 lvm  /home
sdc               8:32   1    30G  0 disk 
└─sdc1            8:33   1    30G  0 part /home/kalama/usb
sr0              11:0    1  1024M  0 rom 

now at the terminal simply type

mount -t vfat /dev/sdc1 /home/kalama/usb/

thats it it will start showing when you do df -h as shown below :

[root@localhost ~]# df -h
Filesystem               Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/fedora-root   50G  4.8G   42G  11% /
devtmpfs                 2.9G     0  2.9G   0% /dev
tmpfs                    2.9G  664K  2.9G   1% /dev/shm
tmpfs                    2.9G  968K  2.9G   1% /run
tmpfs                    2.9G     0  2.9G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs                    2.9G   36K  2.9G   1% /tmp
/dev/sdb2                477M  117M  331M  27% /boot
/dev/mapper/fedora-home  403G  173M  383G   1% /home
/dev/sdc1                 30G   16G   15G  53% /home/kalama/usb


1.   The IT security guys have so much to experiment and learn vide unending open source information and tools available on the net.Be it BACKTRACK or Wireshark or Nmap or nessus or Canvas(not opensource) or a web scanner like Acunetix or Arachini and the list is unending....there is lots to do...but do we actually know that simply running a port scan on the internet is a crime in other parts of the world?

2.   In countries like Australia,UK , port scanning is recognized as a "potential attempt" to infringe on a system and that's a simple body would run such tools openly available without intent. Yess!!!...the intent can be educating self but the other side can be bad intent and no one can prove whats the intent inside the person's mind.It may change the moment he realizes he/she is caught.In the United States there is no need to prove intent and port scanning is considered illegal.So even installation of such tools is a crime.So if a naive script kiddie from India goes with his laptop to US with a virtual box machine holding a OS with a port scanner...he is a cyber criminal the moment he lands in the US.

3.   Today we in India do not have straight and clear laws defining whether running such tools or installation is a crime or not coz the whole thing is COMPLEX.The compliance laws across countries vary and that too may be acceptable in a country like India and it may be serious offence in US.So seeing from the current state of affairs in India,it does not look like if a day will be near when such stringent guidelines exist in India to restrict all these uses and installations...or let it be restricted to professionals only.....but then who will define a Cyber Security Professional....CDAC or CEH or some other such agency....these institutes can be a critical node in identifying and certifying cyber security professionals to measure and endorse the intent...but at the end of the day we all are humans...and we know that "too err is human" a agency certified person finally has himself to decide whether he uses a black hat or a white hat!!!! :-)

4.   Meanwhile students and IT security enthusiasts should take care of running such tools on the internet coz these are serious tools who can break into some one's privacy...and if the victim gets serious after you...things will be bad enough to land you behind the best place to experiment with such tools is a virtual environment that can be available vide Virtual box or vmware etc....Security guys and enthus should be familiar with the excellent Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual (OSSTMM), which provides best practices for these situations.


Wednesday, July 31, 2013

XP still Continues though "eXPired"

1.    XP has now got the authorized prefix and suffix to get renamed as "eXPired" since it has been now officially announced by Microsoft as discontinued and has advised XP and Office 2003 users to migrate to Windows 7 and Office 2010 and thus systems are left vulnerable to new forms of malware. No further support to patches to updates by Microsoft.....but certainly it will take time for XP to get disowned by more then a decade old loyal user population most of whom made their first PC experience with a XP machine...for a home guy who surfs will be difficult to make him/her understand about how vulnerable he/she is now....actually very difficult.

2.    But what about the corporates and govt sector offices? I am sure private sector will make a fast change since it may adversely effect their business model in case of a undesired info leakage or a hack!!!Only recently I made a visit to a post office in Delhi for doing a speed post...wherein the dedicated  loyal postmaster was using a xp machine connected to Internet.I informally asked him about any upgrades in OS planned in their department to which he replied confidently that it's not required since it is working fine.Today the Indian postal department is slowly getting online.Today thanks to vision implementation of the government(though late) that we are able to locate the movement of a speed post letter...what time it was opened..whats the location and when it got delivered...etc etc..but all this can go waste and get a setback if the backbone nodes are not updated and monitored....more so if the staff handling all the machines are low on security aspect.

3.   Well...this postal department is one of the examples cited here since I just interacted with one of them today...but the risk stakes are high when we see this at national level...all the online-governance machines located in remote areas...have they been ensured removed of XP?....if it has not been done....this can be just on the lines of zero day this case there must be millions of machines thrown open to hacking....and invasion to classified information.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

NULL MEET: Open Source Security Testing & OSSTMM

1.    NULL,Delhi chapter organised this wonderful meet with the OSSTMM Guys incl  Joerg Simon and Fabian the time of registration I never knew what's OSSTMM but then we have google to answer that and after reading about OSSTMM....its a great way to broaden your horizons of security domain....It stands for "Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual" ie OSSTMM...few pics from the meet

2.    More about OSSTMM at the following links :

3.    Thanks to the delhi NULL chapter moderators Sandeep and Vaibhav for arranging the meet and great interaction....

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


1.         IT Security enthusiasts guys/girls always keep looking forwards to discovering new sites that keep them enriched with latest happenings in the buzzing IT SECURITY world...I am listing out a list of sites that I keep abuzz with.These are not necessarily in the order of my preference or have any kind of ratings or ranking....but a whole lot of enriching info is available for every cyber security guy!!! is specific to web application security subjects has more of MS related aspects : by Symantec few of them and enrich your self!!!!all the best

Treat your E-Mail address classified : ADVISORY

1.    Do you know that simply your E-MAIL disclosure to a person with malicious intent can be a key to disclosing your E-mail content and other personal attributes of life?...I mean it can invade your privacy...and just for info this is an active organised crime in the cyber world.

2.   What is the most important first thing that a hacker desires to know?....and the answer is the IP Address of the victim..and all it takes to know the IP address is to send a dummy mail at the victims id.. that's it....strange it may sound but there are so many websites offering you free solutions on how to get not only the IP address but also the browser and OS system details of the victim.One of the leading sites offering a free solution is SPYPIG...this site facilitates to let you know when your email has been read by the recipient! ...this happens in form of a intimation by SPYPIG as and when the e-mail is read by the recipient.

3.   Now some thing about SpyPig a simple email tracking system that sends you a notification by email when the recipient opens your message.It works with virtually all modern email programs: Outlook, Eudora, Yahoo Email, Gmail, Hotmail, AOL Email and many others.In addition to the notification it actually sends you additional but undesired details also which can be exploited by malicious intent person.Thde details that can be used and exploited are shown here in the screen shot below in one test mail....

Red Encircled are the Critical Info

4.     But sadly,the recipient will never know of the fact that he is being tracked and so much of critical info has already swapped hands with unknown guys...I mean the OS,the browser with their respective versions in the state today the following preventions can be taken to avoid such a hijack :

-           Avoid opening E-mails from unknown sources

-      Disable Image display by default in E-Mail settings.This is important because this works on the funda of a hidden script in the image sent along with the mail.So if you disable the images display by default,it is unlikely that this will be executed.

-           Avoid sharing and disclosing your E-Mail addresses openly.

5.     To know about spypig visit :

Friday, July 19, 2013

"Terms & Conditions Apply" : Bon Voyage to your Privacy

1.   How many of you actually read the complete word set of "Terms and Conditions" of an application like Chrome browser ,Facebook or some thing like WhatsApp,Truecaller etc.....m sure no one hardly has time for that....ok...just for info please read the excerpt below :

Google's terms of service, for instance, clocks in at 1,711 words, according to an AFP count, not including a separate 2,382-word privacy policy that is still about 1,000 words shorter than the Google Chrome browser policy

Facebook's terms of service clocks in at 4525 words....(I did a word count with a libre office)

WhatsApp terms of service clocks in at 6549 words....(I did a word count with a libre office for this too :-)

2.    So at the above rate for a typical Internet user who installs the regular OS,Word ,PDF,VLC, it would take about 200 hours the equivalent of about one full month of work a year to fully read all the terms and conditions attached to his or her favorite websites.Will any person on earth do it?Now think over the fact that why would a company legally bind every user with thousand of words of legal agreement...what could be the motive...the motive of any company on the web is not just to save its own credibility and ass but the real motive is mining data...that's why most of it is free...why would chrome be free or for that matter why so many applications are free?...I am not trying to demean the OPENSOURCE community here who are doing a great job and I am a strict FOSS for that matter...but I would like to focus on other applications like WhatsApp,Truecaller...and so many uncountable Android,Gaba,Windows mobile applications etc....

3.   A simple click by you on Accepting the Terms and Conditions of the the application company allows your consent to online lives being archived, shared with third parties or passed on to government agencies without notice....and that's a very very serious privacy breach today when we know that in another about 4-5 years to come when our digital dependence would be like never before...this can mean havoc....for example a school student who has a home computer based on pirated or for this matter even genuine OS with loads of software's with separate set of terms and conditions.....will have his/her literally whole life profile including his FB posts,his/her preferences,his phone calls,his phone contacts,audio recordings,photographs,his/her secrets of life and anything that can be his/her privacy attribute known to the third parties with whom he has no concern...and these third parties will have their ways and means to effect his/her life in so many ways then....!!!!!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Keep Changing Your Antivirus : CRUDE but EFFECTIVE Solution to curb Virus menace

1.    We all understand the importance of anti virus today.From a naive user point of view, a user can go for the cheapest of the lot or may be if some one is worried enough he would go for the costliest one....but does that matter in an overall context? I mean w.r.t to the serious business model that this antivirus corporate sector has emerged like....lets see it here down below that brings out the country association of each leading antivirus company :

AVG                                                        :  Czech Republic

Kaspersky                                                :  Russia

Avast                                                        :  Czech Republic

Norton Symantec                                      :  U.S

Avira                                                         :  Germany

E-Set                                                        :  Slovakia

F-Secure                                                   : Finland

McAfee                                                     : U.S

MSE(Microsoft Software Essentials)          :  U.S

Panda                                                        :Spain

2.   Sadly we see,there are no Indian companies in this short list.Besides these,if we get specific to India we can quote two companies viz : Quick-heal and K7 Computing..well....that's not the point that I am here to share....the thing to note here is that all these leading companies have got a affiliation with some other country and none is Indian.So when we blindly load a antivirus or a internet security suite in our systems just on faith and word of mouth publicity from peers and friends...are we doing the right thing ? Do we know what is running in the background ? In the name of uploading our dumps what actually goes to their servers? What information does it contain?How does that company identify a virus or a malware?what's the logic that finds a virus?...all these questions are critical because this all is happening in our own machines.....but most of us hardly bother about all this...coz we have faith!!! :-)...and also because there are no standards existing for defining a QR for a antivirus....there is none to cross check what's being cooked?

3.  Besides having a question mark  on the privacy issues...lets think about the logic being applied or the signatures being released to thwart the known threats....but do we know that more then the known virus list it is the ZERO DAY threats that are getting serious by the few bright companies are trying to check that by working on behavioral aspects of a virus or a suspected file...but that has it's set of constraints and is often limited in whats the solution.....i recommend using all trial versions for a month each of all leading companies that will pass your one year and then format your windows PC and then start again.....a cheap...crude method of using the best without spending a penny!!!!!!!!!!!!

4.   By the way,just for info...virus detection by various companies have their own speeds...a company like kaspersky may be able to detect a virus soon and another company may detect it later or may not even at times detect one....and this time lag of detection is critical to all users!!!!!a second of compromise is enough on your PC with loads of bytes to upload in a matter of a seconds!!!

Comments invited!!!!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Cyber Security Tips for Home Users

Maximum percentage of internet users will remain the naive Home users and it is this major percentage that needs to be acquainted with the basic cyber security hygiene. This presentation will equip the basic user with a small set of skills to be slightly better on handling security front on their respective PCs.

Hacked PC : I Don't Care attitude!!!!

If you feel that you are safe even with a hacked PC at home or office... because you think you don't have any thing to loose from your PC...or you feel that u simply share unclassified info on your even if it is lost there is nothing to worry.....please see this brief presentation....

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Striking the balance : Privacy & Security

1.   Over the decade, Security and Privacy issues have been striking the key notes often at high decibels and the trend is only increasing in the webosphere.I was just thinking if there will be a day when there will be 100% Privacy as well as 100% IT Security...if privacy becomes 100% ensured then how will anyone's data be monitored or will it be all algorithm based that will have a standing as well as active encryption method.

2.  At a health care event in San Jose, California some time in June 2013, President Obama had said "It's important to recognize that you can't have 100 per cent security and also then have 100 per cent privacy and zero inconvenience."(Source here)

3.  Is it actually possible in lives of the present generation ? I have my doubts!!!!!Our generation is likely to be a turning era of a new kind of civilization ie the digital age.We are part of just the beginning of the IT revolution but it will take another good time to realize a stable IT architecture.

4.  Its a mad race if we see it from top...mad race about leading from the front without realizing that to do so first the need is to plan and move.Short term gains and achievements in such a scenario of unstable internet(i mean unable to handle security and privacy) is not worth a pie.From aka India we have CMS ie the Central Monitoring System that claims to monitor each and every byte(I wonder how would it be done without any known info of set data centers in India......)....then we have PRISM...and actually each country would claim to have a sole application project on similar lines!!!

5.   Confidentiality,Integrity and Availability,the three key corner stones of a security will these fit in maintaining the privacy issues.The road map is long and lots needs to be done...

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Windows 8 and Live USBs & CDs at logger Heads!!

1.  One feature of Windows 8 launched recently has been disabling the option to boot from a Live CD/DVD or a USB right at the beginning.....recently got hold of a Windows 8 laptop of a friend and being in the habit of recommending opensource software's I tried showing him a live DVD of Ubuntu 13.04 but was surprised that every time it booted I could never see the option of selecting option of where to boot from?...that was it...i had no option but to Google and got the answer....the option to boot any windows PC with a live DVD is passe with Windows the user has to be specific of selection of boot device only once he is inside the OS interface.Bad...Bad...Bad......that's SECURE BOOT by terminology of Microsoft

2.   Dedicated Linux users and communities are the once who immediately start getting irritating owing to this feature that has no choice as on date.The purpose of Secure Boot is to put an end to computer viruses that sneak between the hardware and the operating system. These bootkits work by getting themselves before the OS is loadde, then they make changes to the operating system while it lies defenseless on disk, and then they load the now defenseless operating system and have their way with it. Secure Boot counters the bootkit by ensuring the hardware verifies the identity and authenticity of the software that sits between the hardware and the operating system - the bootloader, and also the software embedded in hardware devices like network and graphics adapters.Although going by the past threats Secure Boot sounds like a smart solution to the bootkit problem but this would be a problem for the majority of users in long run who rely solely on pirated copies of Windows OS.!!!!

3.  This is because today most of the vendors dealing in piracy or the users using pirated DVDs of OS have a option of formatting the PC and then reloading a new OS if the present OS has some issues....and this was possible since he/she would simply choos the BOOT FROM DVD option in the beginning...but now what?If some thing goes awry with your Windows 8 OS,there is no way to access your windows or at the best you need to run to your MS maintenance there is one good aspect that it is certainly going to curb piracy....but what about the security professionals ???

4. No denying the fact that a LIVE DVD is one of the prized possession of every IT security professional that has a plethora of does windows 8 mean an end to all those advantages!!!!its a land lock situation for windows users.I am sure this is not going to last long...may be by windows 8.1 they do something about it!!!!

Big Data & Security Challenges : Geo-Intelligence India 2013

The Audio in the video cast is pretty aghast so I am planning to place Subtitles for understanding the content....Will be placed shortly....thanks

Saturday, July 06, 2013

Spying your friend at WhatsApp : Cause of concern

1.   In my last post here,I discussed about the growing lure of using WhatsApp and the basic security concerns that comes with it from point of a naive user.Now will take you one step higher to the level of a script kiddie....

2.  How does WhatApp identify you in billions?The answer is the unique MAC address that each digital device on this earth holds. If any one changes his/her device,then automatically the MAC address also changes and the user is requested to re-verify their WhatsApp account. Means he/she cannot access same WhatsApp account from two devices. But is MACSPOOFING not existing ?So,if the Mac is spoofed,then who stops from seeing your friends traffic that includes his/her chats,downloads etc!!!although for a naive user this may be look of some technical nature but for the young gen which has lots of techno enthusiasts there should be no stopping....that would include rooting your phone and installing Busybox. How to get your friends MAC address,here it goes :

For Android phone users simply go to settings—> About phone—> Status—> Wi-Fi MAC address.

For iPhone users go to Settings—> General—> About—> Wi-Fi address.

For Windows Phone users go to Settings—> About—> More info—> MAC address.

and for BlackBerry users go to options—> Device—> Device and Status info—> WLAN MAC.

3.   And the best part is that your Andorid can be anyone starting from 1.6 on wards till date.

Thursday, July 04, 2013

Security Issues : Whats App !!!!

1.   WhatsApp had set a new record with 27 billion messages in a day on 13th Jun that's hell of a lot!!!!!a huge success by any means in terms of revenue generation and collection of I really wonder if all these naive users most of them who are actually not aware of the kind of critical information they have allowed to be passed on...such applications are currently enjoying huge success banking on the naive users....who don't actually realize the repercussions owing to this valuable personal info loss.....just read these few eye raising conditions before any one installs this app :

- Prevent Phone from sleeping

- Change Wifi state

- write sync settings

- Modify/delete SD card contents

- read phone state

- Read contact data

- Write contact data

- Record audio

- Read my location

- Read my other accounts credentials

2.  If one goes through the deeper insights of all these aspects that the user has to invariably accept for enjoying the application thinking its free(when he has given invaluable personal info to a stranger) from point of view of starts getting scary...!!!!going through the above terms it is invariably understood that all your contacts info is already how much is that info depends on how much have you stored...if you have stored the residential address,his email,his other phone numbers etc...that's all gone the moment you install!!!!..and add to this location and hardware details....from a hacker point of view the attack surface is already prepared vide one shot of installation only.....

3.  If Whatsapp says that they respect user privacy and would not submit all the info to any advertising agency or any third party...then y are they collecting all this ?Whats their security architecture?How reliable is that?Do they guarantee a NO-HACK situation?......

Monday, July 01, 2013

E-Governance and Security Challenges

Copy of the presentation that I gave at the Mini Seminar held under the aegis of IETE at AVCC,NOIDA on the subject : E-Governance and Security Challenges.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Saturday, June 01, 2013

Your passwords can be cracked easily if less then 16 Characters now!!!!

1.    When the IT security big bang of Do's and Don'ts started some years back it was widely advertised to the Cyber masses to keep their respective passwords any thing more then 8 characters with a mix and match of capitals and smalls with special characters...then this was increased to 10 and last heard it was 15...and was told that 15 character password which is not dictionary based will take years and is actually uncrackable...

2.  As recent as 4 days back,a team of 3(your read it rite it's three) hackers has been able to crack more than 14,800 supposedly random passwords from a list of 16,449 by simply brute forcing!!!!

Image courtesy :
3.   In December it was unveiled by Jeremi Gosney, the founder and CEO of Stricture Consulting Group, that a 25-computer cluster can cracks passwords by making 350 billion guesses per second. It can try every possible word in less than six hours to get plain text passwords from lists of hashed passwords...the word of significance is that you do not need high end machines and east-west architecture to build this kind of IT is simply a cluster of machines processing power...

4.   The general user in the cyber space like you and me have actually no control over which hashing process websites use and therefore remain at the mercy of an algorithm all would invariably be clueless if you are concerned about security and your email id and password which is the key for so many transactions in your routine life.long passwords are the best defense....and not simply long it has to be a mix match of numerics,capitals,smalls and special characters!!!.

5.  All the best to all of us...keep surfing but avoid drowning!!!! :-)Thanks

Friday, May 31, 2013

GeoIntelligence 2013 : 13-14 June 2013,Taj Palace,New Delhi

Geo Intelligence 2013

1.   GeoIntelligence is a premier India based annual conference and exhibition dedicated to the highest level of information exchange and networking within the Defense and Security sector. The conference will be hosting its seventh edition this year with its primary focus on the perspectives and requirements of the key decision makers who directly influence national security policies and procedures. The conference aims to tap the most influential speakers and delegates not only from India, but also from various international defense and security establishments, as well as key international players from the industry. With the presence of such key players in the conference, the forum is uniquely positioned to offer adequate opportunities for knowledge sharing related to defense and security personnel, as well as, for business development and networking.


Geospatial – Force Multipier for Modern Warfare

2.   With nations today faced with a multitude of challenges for national Defence and Security,both from state and non state actors, the need for higher content and cohesive geospatial intelligence data is more critical. In parallel with the rapid development of geospatial intelligence technology, the role played in modern warfare by the operational geospatial information changes as well. With rapid advancement in LiDAR, multispectral and radar imagery technologies as well as surface and airborne sensor platforms, the geospatial technology is developing dynamically and will have wider applications in combat operations, crime mitigation, internal security, border control, arms treaty monitoring, etc. With the theme “Geospatial – Force Multiplier for Modern Warfare”, the speakers will deliberate on the modern outlook for the development of military geo-informatics and for modern warfare. 

3.  More special for me since I am there as one of the speakers.Will be speaking on security challenges in Big Spatial Data.

4.  For more details please visit :

How to be Anonymous on Internet ?

1.   Every one of us who is aware and conscious of the repercussions of cookies,trackers,malware's, ad-wares, extensions in browsers,privacy issues on the internet would always dream of if he/she could be anonymous on the internet whilst surfing....and in my few posts in past here , here and here, I have discussed few ways and tools that could make you anonymous on the web.But in recent times after having surfed for a while I have compiled a list of LIVE DVDs and few OS that can help you maintain anonymity.These along with the website and the name are mentioned below :
Mandragora Linux: Gnome desktop built on Ubuntu, to be used for digital forensics during incident response and vulnerability assessments. It comes with hacking tools like nmap (port scanner), Wireshark (packet sniffer), Kismet (Wi-Fi monitoring) and enhancing privacy tools like the tor proxy, torchat and i2P.Website at : 

 Jondo Live-CD / DVD : Jondo Live-CD/DVD offers a secure, pre-configured environment for anonymous surfing and more. It is based on Debian GNU/Linux. The live system contains proxy clients for JonDonym, Tor Onion Router, I2P and Mixmaster remailer. JonDoBrowser is pre-configured for anonymous web surfing, Thunderbird for e-mails, Pidgin for anonymous instant messaging and chats, Parole media player, MAT for cleaning documents and more application are part of the live-cd.Website at :

Privatix Live System: This is a live distro based on Debian. It is an easy to operate, safe and portable system that can be booted from a cd-rom, an usb flash drive or an external hard drive and ensures your privacy and confidentiality while using the internet and communicating or editing and encrypting sensitive data. Private data and settings, documents, e-mails, or pgp-keys are not saved on the computer that you use but instead those are saved on the encrypted usb flash drive or on the encrypted external hard drive. In case of loss or theft of the data medium your personal data is going to stay protected by a password. Privatix Live System allows for anonymous web surfing using Tor, Firefox and Torbutton.Website at

The Amnesic Incognito Live System (TAILS): Based on Debian this is a live distro aimed at preserving your privacy and anonymity. All outgoing connections are forced through the Tor network. Also no trace is left on local storage devices. TAILS comes with bundled software with software like OpenOffice, Claws Mail with OpenPGP and Pidgin.Website at

Polippix: Polippix is based on  Kubuntu and was made by the IT-Political Association of Denmark as a protest against the anti-terror laws being passed in Denmark. It uses Tor for anonymous Internet surfing, MAC address changer, GnuPG for encryption and driftnet for traffic sniffing.Website at :

Ubuntu Privacy Remix (UPR): Ubuntu Privacy Remix runs from a modified Live-CD based on Ubuntu.The goal of Ubuntu Privacy Remix is to provide an isolated working environment where sensitive data can be dealt with safely. This is achieved by storing all user data in encrypted form in the removable storage media. Warning: UPR is to be used for encrypting sensitive data and not for anonymous web surfing. It doesn’t allow network connections.Website at :

Liberte Linux: This is live linux distribution based on Gentoo  that is secure, lightweight and easy to use. It uses Tor for anonymous network communication and has features such as persistent storage on a virtual partition, Netfilter IP firewall and more.Website at :

Whonix: Whonix is an anonymous general purpose operating system based on Virtual Box, Debian GNU/Linux and Tor. By Whonix design, IP and DNS leaks are impossible.Website at :

Ipredia: IprediaOS is a fast, powerful and stable operating system based on Linux that provides an anonymous environment. All network traffic is automatically and transparently encrypted and anonymized. Many applications are available in IprediaOS, including mail, peer-peer, bittorrent, IRC chat and others. Contrary to other anonymity enhancing Linux distributions, Ipredia does not use Tor but prefers the I2P anonymizing network.Website at :

Qubes OS: Qubes is an open source operating system designed to provide strong security for desktop computing. Qubes is based on Xen, X Window System, and Linux, and can run most Linux applications and utilize most of the Linux drivers. Qubes implements Security by Isolation approach by providing a user with ability to easily create many security domains.Website at :

2.    Thanks :

Sunday, May 12, 2013

What's BUILD-ESSENTIAL equivalent in FEDORA ?

1.    Needing to install the equivalent of build-essential we require in Ubuntu for Fedora is given by this command line in root mode :

yum groupinstall "Development Tools" "Development Libraries"

Difference between Open Source & Free Software ?

1.   More often then not I find most of us swapping these words between each other in general usage...Opensource and free software's are considered  to be one and the same but there is distinct and certain difference between the two....Software available free of charge is not necessarily free from restriction.In the open source community, "free software's  generally means software considered "open source " and without restrictions,in addition to usually being available at no cost.This is in contrast to various "free ware" applications generally found on windows system available solely in a binary executable format,mostly .exe but at no cost. 

2.  Apart from this another term FOSS is available in this lingo...FOSS is an inclusive term that covers both free software and open source software, which despite describing similar development models, have differing cultures and philosophies.Free software focuses on the fundamental freedoms it gives to users, whereas open source software focuses on the perceived strengths of its peer-to-peer development model.

Source : Digital Forensics with open source tools by Cory Altheide and Harlan Carvey and Image Source :


1.   The phenomenal growth of data in India is rapidly evolving but where is all that data being stored?.....not a big deal to find out that all your FB profiles,your friends list, Google hangout circle of friends and all the enumerable social networking sites on the web stores your data across the globe but not in India....yes that's the truth...every bit of data that your profile holds is actually residing off shores ...what India might be holding is just logs of transaction via various monitoring eyes like CMS as discussed in last post!!!

2.   But actually what debar's any big company with a global presence to set up a data center in apna India...recently there have a explosion of many posts across the web o sphere citing the query of why is it so?...the reasons cited culminate on one reason and that's known as SECURITY....the non existence of "DATA PRIVACY LAWs" in India.....more over the fact that there is presently no existence of GIS routing of laid OFCs and cables maps though there are always plans and proposals for the future. The problem of underground OFC in and around NCR is such that companies are afraid to commit 100% availability of up time because your OFC can get damaged any time owing to so many under construction sites in NCR with dozers digging out OFC like Hollywood monsters.And these diggings are ever to continue coz still there are no laid down GIS mappings that can accurately predict the route and depth of laid out OFCs....and the most important I feel is the promise of state ELECTRIC POWER supply which is surely unreliable during any is indeed surprising that power is still an issue in NCR towns!!!

3.   The future will always remains bright because we always have plans to remove all these problem areas but how and when remains a futuristic answer.GIS routing of cables is an imminent need and so are the data protection laws.By default as on date most of the data centres are coming up in Singapore.

"Singapore offers an ideal combination of reliable infrastructure, a skilled workforce and a commitment to transparent and business-friendly regulations" is how Google explains its choice of the city. Oracle cites "excellent telecommunications infrastructure and efficient, well-qualified manpower".

Much like India set up software technology parks to nurture its IT services and BPO industry, Singapore is setting up a 13-hectare Data Center Park and inviting companies from across the world. It already has some 20 data centre hubs and offers tax and other incentives.

Source here

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Central Monitoring System : Another step in the Wrong Direction ?

1.    The month of "May" has become started with a "Will" from Indian Government.Now after so many still unresolved issues on Facebook posts and similar things in respect of issues of privacy,it has come up now with Central Monitoring System(CMS).The concept was placed in parliament  some time in December 2012 by the then information technology minister Milind Deora on which the government plans to spend Rs 400 crore and this would "lawfully intercept internet and telephone services"

2.  Now this means that everything we say or text over the phone, write, post or browse over the Internet will be centrally monitored by Indian authorities.Every byte of what is being exchanged by you over the net would be monitored.....but is it actually required?I have doubts per-se owing to the amount of further investment it would require.At a time when Big Data analytics is still maturing,investing so much on monitoring and storing some portion of it pan India would be a herculean task.The key points that I found interesting are dotted below :

- With the lack of privacy laws to protect Indian citizens against potential abuse,this would set another example of wrong feather in the cap.

- CMS has been prepared by the Telecom Enforcement, Resource and Monitoring (TREM) and the Centre for Development of Telematics (C-DoT) and is being manned by the Intelligence Bureau. 

- Without any manual intervention from telecom service providers, CMS will equip government agencies with Direct Electronic Provisioning, filter and provide Call Data Records (CDR) analysis and data mining to identify the personal information and provide alerts of the target numbers.

- The estimated cost of CMS is Rs. 4 billion. It will be connected with the Telephone Call Interception System (TCIS) which will help monitor voice calls, SMS and MMS, fax communications on landlines, CDMA, video calls, GSM and 3G networks. Is their any thing on Mother India Earth left to monitor?

3. Now I fail to understand that how Government expects to monitor cyber criminals by this CMS? Does government actually intend to find out the actual potent and dangerous Cyber Criminals or are they only interested in finding love affairs of local boys and girls!!!coz if the intention is former,would the cyber gang do it without tricks?...without encryption?...without spoofing?...when things like stegnography,TOR,Anonymous etc are still to be deciphered....the cyber crime would go on as it is.The focus should have been on analyzing of what is floating around rather then monitoring open text and messages.

4.  For example if a person with malicious intent,uses Whonix or anonymous kind of OS from a local cyber cafe and then places his message vide a steganographed image that is encrypted,is their any way that this can be deciphered? does not exist today to decipher all this quickly ..still time is there when we reach such a stage....few months back in Dec 2012 when torrent was apparently blocked on directives from Govt Of India,anonymous group had given a open letter shared at

5. Well it is very clear that the decision makers in such moves are unclear on technological reality but also provisions for a scenario like WAR within....each step in such a direction has to be taken carefully because these are really critical.Additionally,outsourcing such moves to unreliable or may be foreign firms may become a serious threat.....

6.  Well at the end of the day,it is just my view per-sewhich no body is bothered...but the repercussions are serious to be avoided and ignored

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