1. DEFT (Digital Evidence & Forensic Toolkit) is a customized
distribution of the Ubuntu live Linux CD@12.10. It is an easy-to-use system
that includes excellent hardware detection and some of the best
open-source applications dedicated to incident response and computer
forensics.DEFT comes bundled with DART2 (Digital Advanced Response Toolkit) and
the very best open source Windows Computer Forensic tools. Using LXDE
as desktop environment and WINE to manage Windows tools under a Linux
kernel, and a mount manager as tool for device management, this distro
has a loyal following and we encourage you to use it.DEFT seems to be very well supported with a long list of official
developers and contributors. The main developers seem to be a mix of
professors, forensic (legal) experts, consultants, engineers, network
specialists and more. Several law enforcement professionals are also
associated with this project making it a forensics tool of choice for
Information Security professionals.
According to their site the distro is designed to be used by anyone
working within a Response, Cyber Intelligence and/ or Computer Forensics
2. Further to this very basic intro I give you here the screenshots as I set it up live on my virtual box.
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3. Details at http://www.deftlinux.net/