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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Setting up your Virtual Lab : Two Machines for SET

1.  This post will be useful for those looking to setup a virtual lab on their laptops/PCs that can be used to play with Backtrack/Kali Linux like similar images.Here I am sharing exact screen shots of configuration required to set up two machines who would access internet independently and would also at the same time ping each other on a local LAN setup...subsequently can be used to work with SET(Social Engineering Toolkit) as discussed in my last post.I have two machines here with Kali Linux and a Windows 7 machine.

2.  Both have been setup with two NICs each and configured as shown below :

(Windows 7 Machine NIC 1 Setting)

(Windows 7 Machine NIC 2 Setting)

(Kali Machine NIC 1 Setting)

(Kali Machine NIC 2 Setting)

(IPCONFIG output at Windows machine)

(ifconfig output at Kali machine)

(Ping to Windows Machine)

(Ping to Kali Machine)

(Kali Access to Internet)

(Windows Access to Internet)


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